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Thursday 12 January 2017

Academic Honesty Week

MYP students enjoyed a successful Academic Honesty week. We look forward to their new knowledge become a living part of their work moving forward.

Monday 2 January 2017

Update regarding Mathematics

As we are currently in a transition phase in maths in the MYP, we are fortunate to have Miss Mya stepping in to do an economics unit with the students during the first 4 weeks of term.

Miss Jennifer will then be taking over Maths instruction from 30th January until 10th March.

A brief overview of some of what Miss Mya will cover is listed below:

Tuesday 29 November 2016

De unges kommunestyre

Tirsdag 22. november var representanter fra alle skoler i Asker samlet på Asker rådhus til De unges kommunestyre (DUK). Vi var samlet for å snakke om ulike tema som omhandler barn og unge i Asker og komme med ideer og forslag som skal gis videre til politikerne. Fra Asker International School var Viana (representant) og Alezander (vara) tilstede sammen med Miss Karoline.

En av sakene vi snakket om var Barn og unges psykiske helse og elevene diskuterte hvordan kommunen kan tilrettelegge for god psykisk helse for denne målgruppen i Asker. 

Neste DUK-møte er til våren, før den tid har vi fått i oppdrag å komme med forslag til ytterligere to saker gjennom elevrådet. Det er spennende å få være med på DUK og bidra til et enda bedre Asker for barn og unge.

Friday 23 September 2016

Field Trip

Today, Grade 6 students enjoyed a field trip to the Kulturhistorisk Museum in Oslo. They received a guided tour related to their studies in Ancient Egypt. They were very appreciative of seeing a real sarcophagus.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Homework help

Students in Grade 6 have the opportunity to receive help with homework at Asker Library, as an initiative of the Red Cross. This operates every Wednesday between 16:00 and 18:00. Please see email below:

Vil bare minne om at vi tilbyr leksehjelp til 4.-7. trinnet, undgomstrinnet og videregående på
Asker bibliotek hver onsdag fra kl. 16:00-18:00.

Håper at dette kan videreformidles.

Robert Grønvold
Fung.leder Asker Røde Kors

Friday 19 August 2016

Friday 19th August, 2016
Thank you to all the parents who made it to the information evening last night. Below is the presentation that was shared:

Thursday 11 August 2016

Welcome to the Grade 6 Blog!

I am Mr. Ole Anders, the contact teacher for Grade 6. My e-mail address is

Should you have questions or requests regarding any of the subjects, please contact the subject teachers directly; any other issues, I am happy to assist. 

Please click on the pages on the right to see what is taking place in each subject area. 

All homework will be listed on the homework page.

Information on the current unit of work will be listed on the subject page to the right.